Thursday, August 12, 2010

IE Part 2

This looks very promising to me.
I like how Levine describes "Bioshock" as being "much more than a story of a single place or a single time." I feel like I felt that while playing both previous titles, and I'm glad to see them developing on this idea.
Bringing it back to the early 1900's intrigues me, me being a history major (who salivates at any mention of days past). The open air concept sounds, and looks, very interesting. And looks beautiful! It seems like quite a shift from their self-confessed claustrophobic halls of the city of Rapture, but in a good way. I'm both excited and a tad apprehensive about those Sky-Line battles; they could either be really awesome, or very tedious.
I think that, for the world of Bioshock, "Rapture" is more an idea than a physical city, a concrete entity. A place where a man can be and do all he wishes, without repercussion...could be anywhere. A Rapture in the sky sounds positively brilliant.
All in all, though, colour me interested!
"Bioshock Infinite?" More like "Bioshock's Infinite Excitement!"

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