Friday, August 3, 2007

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007 -- Oh, Charles!

Written this past Tuesday.
Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

Kay, so my dad has me “working” at the church, right?
I’m re-organizing their mess of a “library.”
By “mess” I mean there’s no logical system here. Someone went around and put little stickers on the books they thought were Marian, Sacrament, Jesus related, etc. It’s a mess.
Anyway, so it’s my “job” to put all the book into a computer program I’ve got so we can make a huge-ass list, and then we (father and I) will have to put the books in order by Dewy Decimal Number.

My dad and the old(ish) priest (Father Mike…he scared me) went through the books and weeded out all the really bad, right-wing, horrid stuff and it’s all in boxes in the hall outside to be sold/gotten rid of.
Fine, dandy, neat-o.

But I’m still finding some…odd ones.
I just found a book called “African Triumph”. There’s a brown and red and white picture on the front of African Tribesmen. The book itself is about how awesome the missionaries in Africa were. Chapters include: “Mysterious Continent,” “Early Mission Days,” (here comes the fun) “First Blood,” “The Drama Begins,” “The Gathering Storm,” “African Triumph,” “Fire of Love,” and “God’s Heroes.”

”Fire of Love”? Sheesh! One sided much?

The main, African, character is a Tribesman named “Charles”…apparently he “loved to wrestle.”

Spolier! Charles is whipped like mad by the Tribe’s “king” because he converted. Bad Africans. :no:
Then the king demands complete loyalty from his tribesmen and, quote, “one of the guards named Bruno, threw down his spear and joined Charles and his brave group.” Go Bruno! :noes:
Then Charles and his buddies were condemned to death. But somehow escaped, and became “God’s Heroes,” huzzah!

Really. REALLY. I thought they went THROUGH these books.
The pictures are horrid, too.

Well, I really should get back to cataloging these things. Maybe I should put Charles’ heroic tale in the boxes of books to sell. Meh. Maybe not. I mean, I always love reading one-sided stories of slavery, persecution, forced converts and evil evil African kings! YAY!


It was written by a “Charles,” I wonder if he’s the hero? :?



Did someone slip these books in just to piss me off?
“The Real Holocaust: The Attack on Unborn Children and Life Itself”
Back of book: “We are being conditioned to accept abortion!!
The insistence that all women have the right to abortions on demand did not evolve form our Christian heritage and love of freedom, nor from the legitimate struggle from women’s rights; but was thrust upon our society by a powerful anti-god force which hates and fears our race, our civilization, and most of all, the religion of Christ.
The first “Holocaust,” with its alleged mass slaughter, has been used to create a false sense of guilt in Christian nations by making them feel their Christian heritage did nothing, really, to keep them from committing acts of vicious cruelty. This has been called, a “sneak attack on Christianity.”
The abortion holocaust is no sneak attack on Christianity, but rather a full-scale frontal assault on western civilization.”

I really….I…….I don’t know what to say.
Other than, as soon as I read the first line about hating and fear “our race,” I shouted out “WHAT?!” in the church library.

It’s just like Doctor Bickford says, the “problem” of abortion is a COMPLETE race, gender and class struggle!!
Think about it!
What image comes to mind when you think of “western civilization”? White, middle class, male. It’s the “norm.” “Christian” seems to equal white, and the word “God” means (in biblical text) a man. Who is most always depicted/seen as being white. So, if abortion is threatening western, Christian civilization (which is also a predominately “white” word, ‘cause who’s more civilized than the white world?), it’s threatening white, middle class, men. Abortion threatens North America’s desire to stay a “pure” entity. Hence lynching back post-American civil war. “perfect Family” competitions in the States in the 20’s, 40’s etc. We, the Western world, were trying to preserve the white, middle class, race.

Do you ever see pro-life picket lines in front of family planning centers or abortion clinics in predominantly African-American communities? No. Why? ‘Cause the mentality (not MY mentality, but “white, western america”) is “They’re more primitive anyways, let them kill each other/themselves off.” But as soon as a white woman decided to not have the child conceived by, say, an abusive boyfriend/husband or a rape, then the entire community is up in arms because she’s killing off a potential “perfect, white child.”

This book, written in the 1980’s, fosters white ideals and, really, it’s white ideals that are to blame for almost all wars.
The American “perfect Family” competitions, the reformatories, the lynching’s, the still present hate crimes and discrimination can be likened to Hitler’s Germany. Yes, not the same, but the entire world was anti-Hitler because he was bold and did what he did out in the open. It’s similar, just more evasive, more subtle. Less “in your face”. More “it’s their fault.”
Just because it’s not obvious and/or not being thrown in our faces doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
We can’t ignore it.

This started as a journal about stereotypes and discrimination, segwayed into abortion and then went into societal problems.
Bravo me. ^^;

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