Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My long christmas post from my DA. :3

  • Listening to: "World Town" -- M.I.A
  • Reading: Persepolis
  • Drinking: Water
A holly Jolly Christmas to everyone.

Ah yes, Christmas, the holiday I greedily celebrate for the time off of school. ^^;

If you don't celebrate this holiday, then I still wish you a joyous and pleasant holiday season. :3

Snow snow snow snOw! Man, it's white and awesome out...perfect.

Aaaand there's cookies under the tree for Santa.

Aaaaand I was coerced into going to mass. Brilliant.
Juli was all pissy because I was reaffirming myself (through whispers) that the host was "just bread", but she doesn't necessarily understand (and, really, unless you were in my mind, one could not really understand). It was a huge moral-ethical-spiritual-thinigy struggle for me. Aaaaand I had/have a migriane.

So, let's end this journal now, I'll most likely update it tomorrow sometime.
...Wow, this entry seems so incoherent to me while I type it, mostly because I'm in desperate need of migraine-relieving-sleep, but felt the urge to write a journal, so am now bravely combating droopy eyes.

Well, as a goodbye I shall quote my favorite artist in saying that "You are not a sinner. You are a goddess [or a god, if you're male :aww:] . The universe loves you. Always."

And "p.s. and if no one told you today.........I love you."

End of incoherentness!

{The Christmas Edit}

I think I might be a tad more coherent now, now that my migraine’s gone.
So, today. A whirlwind of a numbered report (I forgot how fun [to me] numbered reports are. :giggle: )

1. Woke up around 7AM with a worse migraine.

2. Ever since I started taking my migraine medication, my migraines have changed from the normal (if you could call it “normal” ), intense, painful-as-hell throbbing of my cranium, to the extra-intense, painful-as-all-levels-of-hell-to-the-power-of-20, sharp, knife-like pain in my temple. So I end up waking up with the pain, then forcing myself to fall back to sleep with my hand, palm-up, under my head, pressing on my temple. The pressure helps (it always has for my migraines) until you take your hand away, then it’s WHAM! back comes the pain in full-force.

3. Anyway, so that’s what I did, but it still hurt. So I risked getting “OMG! MERRY CHRISTMAS”’ed by my mother/sister(s)/father and stumbled to the bathroom and grabbed my migraine meds. Took one, told mother what was a’happening and went back to bed. 10 o’clock rolled around and I woke up again. I stumbled downstairs with some residual pain and was revived by the smell of coffee. “Christmas” ensued.

4. Swag? Oh, okay. :3

5. Box-set Shek trilogy, the third Pirates movie and (OMGWTF!!) Hairspray! ;D
Japanese wall hanging and Chinese hair stick from Juli.
Amazing graphic novel’s from Alexandra.
Various stocking stuffers from mom and dad.
Lots of chocolate.
A cell phone.
And a sewing machine.

6. Let me break it all down a bit more.
Movies!!!! ;DDDD
Those Asian things from Juli are beyond gorgeous.
The graphic novels are a box set of two entitled “ Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood” and “ Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return.” They’re amazing. Alexandra says that the story is being turned/has been turned into a movie and, my first chance, I’m seeing it. It’s about a young girl (and eventually woman) who lives in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. She lives in an extremely liberal family and is trying to understand revolts and princely problems and theorists and how she can prove to her school-friends that her relatives are more heroic than theirs because her uncle was in prison for 9 years and then lived in Moscow. Really. Remarkable work.
Stocking stuffers, on a lighter note, are always hilarious.
As is chocolate, especially in vast amounts. Hence my girth.
A cell phone…well, see, mom won this phone as a door prize (of all things) at some dinner she had to go to with my dad (‘cause he’s on some board/committee thing) so, naturally, since both sisters already have one, it was given to me. Keep in mind that I don’t phone anyone and hate answering the phone at home and you’ll see the hilariousity. So far I’ve been using it to text-message Juli in the next room.
Aaaand a sewing machine. Oh em eff gee guys, I’m finally going to learn to sew! XDDD
I’m going to spend all day tomorrow reading the manuals for my phone and sewing machine…because that’s what I do. Read manuals. It’s a weird obsession of mine…so sue me…

7. Speaking of tomorrow (or today, since I just looked at the clock and it says 11:58PM and I’m not done this yet… ) the entire kit-and-caboodle are packing up and heading off to Sudbury again for the annual 3-ish days of fun with the loon-family!

8. Uh oh. I referred to them as loons. *sighs* Now they’re going to ostracize me again this year. Last year it was because I was stitching “fuck” onto fabric, this year it’ll be because I’m a depressed idiot and called them loons. BRAVO!

9. And Sudbury means “Day After Boxing Day Shopping”. Because all the store are closed on Boxing Day, so (literally) everyone in the entire Sudbury- and surrounding areas (including us) goes shopping the next day. WHYYYYY?!?!?!
I ask you: WHYYYYYYY must we GOOOOOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :noes: :noes: :noes:
Last year I had forgotten my Christmas money at home, so it was sort of fun and sort of a waste of time (at the same time) walking around a mall with no goals in mind.
There’s freakin’ lineups to get into stores. All stores. Including stores like Clares, a silly teenaged-girly-pink-frilly-jewelry-and-other-accessories store. Yeesh!

10. So, back to awesome graphic novels: Persopolis has its own website ([link]) with trailers inside. I mean, there’s a trailer on the front page, but the movie is in French, and the video is tiny, so the subtitles are illegible (to me at least). So, ya, I suggest looking inside.
I really recommend these books. They’re uplifting and tragic, heartening and heartbreaking. They remind me why I’m so lucky to live in Canada. They make me want to…be enlightened, whatever that may mean. ^^;
I’m going to read them again and again and again. :3

11. Well, it’s past 1AM now, and it’s a looooong day tomorrow of cars, slush/snow, manual reading, cousins and other family, and being the odd one out. With Juli. Hurrah!
So, to bed.

PS Family! I’m not stitching “fuck” into fabric at the moment. My latest project is a slow-moving “ Put on your Big Girl Panties and Deal with it!”, but I’m leaving that at home
Actually…now that I think about it…I could stitch in the car while listening to music and reading manuals….BRILLIANT! I am a multitasking GENIUS!
Stitchery is now accompanying me! HURRA!!

And, again, a Merry Christmas! ;D

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