Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reading Week

I'm home for reading weak.
First day back was shitty. I woke up and was told to go make/print off resumes to take to a job fair.
Welcome home.
Then my little sister goes off with her jerk-friends that make her feel like shit but whom she still hangs out with.
The parents and I go out for supper and first I get an iced tea (instead of the coke I asked for) and a completely different salad and sandwich which I don't complain about, because I just don't complain in public.
Then dad plays the "Oh yaaa?!" game and tries to prove that he knows more about the Serbia/Kosovo situation than me. Claiming Serbians are stupid because they're protesting the separation as I try to remind him that, like many of my profs say for different issues, you can't assume an entire people or group is "stupid" or any less intelligent than you, because that's just what they know, it's who they are, and just because that isn't you doesn't make them any less intelligent.
But, see, I'm wrong.
So, unimpressed food-wise.
I go home, all ready to slaughter some civilizations on Age of Empires III, only to discover that I left the game at my grandmothers house.
I have no essays due when I get back (for a while at least) and no major assignments to do, so I had my entire week planned out: playing Age of Empires III until the cows come home. Can't do that now.
And then I put way too much sugar in my tea. And I hate when I do that.
So my little sister had promised me that, since she and her jerk-friends were going to the movie in the small-"city" 45 minutes away nice and early (around 500pm), that she'd be home nice and early and we could watch Girl Interrupted. I had a sinking suspicion that she wouldn't be home, and I was so bored and cold and annoyed that I went to bed at 8:30pm. Turns out her jerk-friends decided on the way to pick up my sister that they weren't going to go to the movie but would, instead, go to the local teams' hokey game. Which meant my sis didn't get home until 11:45, but I was asleep and long gone by then.
I haven't seen my little sister since Christmas, and I was hoping to spend some quality time with her. Now she's off to school every day this week, and I'm left to wish I had my game.

Things have been piling an piling and piling up for the, 5 weeks. Now every tiny little thing gets on my nerves and ARG! It's annoying!

So now I'm bored bored bored and cold cold cold and I usually like the cold, but for some reason I can't seem to warm up here.
And my dad's being a grade A douche. So that helps. He was nice to me when we were driving from London to here, but then on the drive to go out to eat, he turned 180degrees and has been nothing but rude and douche-baggy to me. Fucking brilliant.
I was going to take the bus this (Sunday) morning, back to London, since I have absolutely nothing to do here. Buuut I was clearly too lazy to do it.
So now, more boredom.

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