Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's been a while, no?

Thank god I have to leave for work in half-an-hour.
It’s my “birthday” today. What a joke, eh? I know this sounds wildly emo etc., but I don’t feel the need or desire to celebrate my birth when most of the time I can’t stand my life.
Like last year, the one person in my family who I spend the most time with (my little sister) has found something far more important to spend her time with on my “big day” (as my mother calls it). Her boyfriend. He came down the day before yesterday and, even though I expressed my dislike of him staying over (sleeping on the floor of the back room) on my birthday, I was hum hawed and ignored. So, like last year when she had a different boyfriend and didn’t understand why we were going out for supper and then complained that she was going to be late to meet that boy and her other friend in town, she’s basically ignored me.
Like I said, thank god I’m off to work soon. This day is a joke. I’ve never really ever enjoyed my birthdays, so why would this one be any different? I didn’t ask for anything, even when asked by my mother. There’s nothing I want. Other than a pet, but I know that that will never happen. So I didn’t ask for anything. I don’t want anything. I even told my mom not to bother with a cake (even though she said “but we want to eat cake.” I told her “Look at me, do I need cake? No. Go ahead, eat cake. I don’t want any.”) I just sort of want to forget that I’m now 22 and have nothing to show for it.
Well, emo-ness aside, I have to go finish getting ready for work. I’m at the store until 9:15 tonight, which is great. It’s an evening shift, but I don’t have to close, which I love. So taa-taa and toodles. Blow out a candle for me if you wish. And munch on a cookie on my behalf. (:

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