Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I think it's over.
That thing with my sister.
Mostly because I said I'm just too tired of it all.
And she claims that she gets pissed off at me "because I care." *snort*

So done and done.

Also, today I went and gave my resume/cover letter to a local inn for a housekeeping position.
It looks promising. As in, the owner said that his wife does all the hiring (and she's in Europe 'till Thursday, go figure) but that he'd be very interested in hiring me. :)
And, even though I hate the thought of working (yes, I know, I'm a spoiled little brat) and I hate people with a flaming passion, I'm sort of pleased with myself.

And, finally, just about 10 minutes ago I was downstairs watching tv and I heard these weird noises coming for the roof/outside. So I went to investigate (via peering out the window) and saw a raccoon in our beauty bush. I knocked on the back door and he just sort of froze in a banch and stared at me. My dad came upstairs from the computer room/basement and was all "WTF are you doing?" and I was all "Raccoon in beauty bush!!" and he was all "Beauty bush? The hell is that?!" 'cause he may own the house, but he has no idea what the plants/trees etc. in the yard are called. Sheesh!
So I had to point and be all "No, not there, THERE. The big tree-like thing!"

Soooo the raccoon scurried away a short time later and we saw that (s)he had left a puddle near our little pond. 'Cause racoon's have to get their food wet before they eat it, right?
I love wildlife! :3

Anyway, I've named him Evrett. 'Cause it's male. 'Cause I decree it as such. Hey, it's my blog, I can assign genders to whomever I want, right? Right.
And now I need to go to bed.
Dentist tomorrow, cavity (or two) that need to be drilled and filled.
Oh fun!

Toodles. <3

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