Sunday, June 10, 2007

An extension of me.

This is but an extension of myself.
As in, my annoying familial unit is going all medieval on my old blogger accounts (and my DA pages) ass so I've decided to relocate.
My username is not my real name.
Other than my first name, I shall not be mentioning many family names since my family (immediate and extended) google search my two sisters and I to extinction and then report to each other on the amount of times we say "fuck" on the internet.

My real name is Kristen.
My username on here for quite a time was Sunako-chan. She is not me. I sort of really wish she was me. She's my favorite character from my favorite graphic novel; The Wallflower. She is definitely a person I would try to befriend if she were real, hence my ad0pting her name.
I am a 20 year old bitch with green eyes who hates people and the world in general. I go to university in London, Ontario and am double majoring in History and Sociology. I've been living with my crazed German grandmother while at school.

I like to think that I’m socially active. I’m not, though. I’m more socially aware. As in, I know issues and might spout fire and brimstone about them, but I’m too lazy to get off my ass and do shit. Unless someone brings me to a rally. I reeeealy want to get my ass to a rally someday.

I am pro-choice, not anti-life. I am anti-Harper and anti-Bush (like many Canadians, it seems). I am an omnivore who would convert to vegetarianism if it weren’t impossible to explain the concept and positive effects of it to my indistinguishable meat loving German grandmother. I am a cross-stitcher and a cross-bitcher. I am the daughter of a teacher (mother) and librarian (father) and even though my dad’s becoming the most unbearable thing on two legs, I’m striving to be a librarian myself. If only because I could never live up to my older sister vis-à-vis grades and ambition or my younger sister vis-à-vis talent and all-around-round-ness. I am a middle child. And, yes, there is unfairness in this rung of the ladder.
I’m a recovering poet. As in, I had lost all poetic imagination last April and am only just now recovering it. I went from stupid, grade 10 emo-shit to the stuff I write now which is…odd, to say the least. Think short stories about a beaten wife murdering her husband and sons, sparing her daughter, all the while egged on by her sister, ( a piece I am actually quite proud of, which is quite a shock since I am definitely my worst critic.

I am unemployed. I know. Cue the annoying parents, with whom I am living for the summer. I’ve been trying to get a job, but my dislike of people and shit-low self-esteem are difficult barriers to overcome when one lives in a tourist town.

I take shitty pictures of my face, because I am fat and hate my body. I’m not looking for sympathy in that respect. I know I’m fat, I hate it, it’s my fault, but oh well. I tend to like my face (sometimes) though.

I’ve been dabbling in Photoshop, so I’ll probably try to do something with this blank slate of a blog.

This is quite refreshing, actually. This…renewal.

If anyone stumbles upon this blog and wants to attempt as wooing friendship from me, just ask and I’ll send you links and the like (like MSN etc).

Well then, I think it’s time to call up Photoshop and doodle-dabble.

Taa taa! ;)

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