Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Breathing life into this thing. ;D

Life! Life I say! I breathe life back into thee!

So, let's see.
No phone call back from the inn.
So, I guess that means poor me is still unemployed. Bugger.

My mother, when down visiting my grandmother, expressed her concern vis-a-vis my bust size. She claims the weight is giving me headaches and a hunch-back. Hurrah. She claimed that "we really gotta fix those...We really gotta reduce those boobs of yours.” Har har! Not in a million years. Really, I find it somewhat…disheartening that my mother is now suddenly so adamant about my getting breast reduction surgery. Not gonna happen, let me tell you. If I was gonna get anything reduce first, it would be my girth/weight. Then if, and only if my chest seems to be a problem, would I even slightly consider it. Sorry, but like I’ve said before, I really appreciate and love my chest, as silly as that may sound.

My little sister started her first day of work today. Noooo pressure.

Last note: I've got this sore throat thing going on.
It started last...erm...Sunday (the 17th), on the way home from London and escalated into the "hard to swallow, hard to yawn, hard to talk" phase on Tuesday, and then the "stuffed nose" phase Thursday. So I took some cold medication that night, so I can breathe, you know. Problem is (and this I had only become aware of, like, two hours after taking the medication) that my throat has now crossed into the "near impossible to swallow, yawn, talk, move jaw" phase, and (when looked at in the mirror with a flashlight) is such a vivid shade of red that I think it could taunt a bull in a bull ring. And so, because of the cold medication, I couldn't take cough medicine.
Oh, and hilarious development: my intense and constant coughing is making one of my eyes slowly turn bloodshot.
And our doctor is away on maternity leave. Freakin' brilliant. And Emergency Room wait time at the closest hospital (like, 5 minutes away) was about 5 or 6 hours last time dad was there. And that was before the yearly onslught of tourists/cabin-ers. HURRAH!

So it's slooooowly starting to go away now, but GAH! So frustrating!
And it seems that my throat is all "let's not cough until she's aaaaalmost asleep, then we won't let up for, like, 4 hours," 'cause that's what's been happening.

Kay then, end of me breathing life back into this thing. ;D

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