Thursday, July 5, 2007

Time to be hilarious!

So I think it’s time for a hilarious update. Why hilarious? Well, why not? So, simply read the following with a semi-laugh in the back of your throat and it will either be immensely painful and leave you with a sore throat tomorrow, or it’ll be hilarious hilarious hilarious.
So, let me begin:

On a very serious note: I am applying to various classes tomorrow morning for my third year of uni-ser-vity fun. And by “tomorrow,” I mean the 5th. I started writing this at 11:20PM, but who knows how long it’ll take me to complete and then submit. And by “tomorrow” I mean we are assigned dates and times that we’re allowed to sign up for classes, so the system’s not overloaded. Mine’s the 5th at 10:30AM, so my alarm's set. YAY!
Anyway, by “various” classes I mean the following:

-Social Inequality (Sociology)
-Problems in Mass Society (Sociology, half-credit, so I’ll only have it second term)
-English and European History from the 16th to the 17th Century (History)
-Social History (History)
-Women in History (History)
-And maaaaybeeee Advertising in Society (Sociology, also half-credit, but this time first term)

And the Advertising one is only a maybe because I have friend’s who have taken it and am asking if they suggest it. Also, it’s taught by Pakvis, you know, my Methodology professor. The class I only got 50% in. Haha!
Out of all of these classes, the European history one will, most undoubtedly, be the hardest. Charlene took it last year. It’s a huge class, think some 350+ students, and the essay is, apparently, a KILLER. But it’s a required course for History majors, so I’ve gotta grin and bear it. But think: King Henry the 8th! SCORE! I love him soooo much! In a completely historical-orgasm kind of way…heh heh…
Like you TOTALLY wanted to hear that…
Don’t ask me to explain it. Please. It’s a tad embarrassing.

On another, slightly more serious note: The voice of the students seems to have failed.
As I scanned through Brescia’s Sociology classes for next year I came across some that were clearly Doctor Bickford’s. They’ve been allocated to other professors. It sort of… pained me. The girl that was compiling the letters never emailed us, so I was sort of in hopeful limbo. It was an…unfair feeling that I felt when I noticed that Sociology of Deviance was being taught by Professor Pakvis. It was sort of like “Wait, that’s Doctor Bi…oh. So it didn’t work.” I mean, I spilled my heart and guts out in that letter and I was so hopeful. I was left in a naive fog that had me convinced that if, say, all those in my deviance class wrote the same kind of letters (and, in this fog, I was convinced they had) that the committee must see the error in their decision.
The fog’s lifted, it’s gone. She’s gone.
I know that she teaches at York University, and I’m glad, because they’re not stick in the mud-idiots there. She’s better there. But, still.

I sort of feel, now, that I should do something on a personal level. Like, I know that this past year I slacked off in areas (hence the 50%, I suppose), so this coming year instead of saying “I’m going to do my readings AHEAD of time!” and then fall behind in the second week, I’m going to do my damndest to stick to it. It’s not like I can say “I’m going to give up partying every weekend!” ‘cause as we all know I’m sort of more a stick in the mud than the committee’s at Western. Har har!
I think I’m going to push myself to various breaking points and do more than my best. Try to obtain that imaginary A++ or work that imagined 110% harder. I’m going to do it!

And dedicate it all to Doctor Bickford.

On a silly silly note: GESS WAT GAIZ?! AIM GOIN’ 2 BAS CREAK!

In English: I’m going to Bass Creek this year. Wowza! And we all thought it had died and all! Nope! Not a damn chance!
Okay okay okay, I’ll admit that I’m semi-excited. As in, since I’ve sort of recovered a bit vis-à-vis writer’s block, this could be a great week-long-chance to write some stuff. But it’s only semi-excitement because of two things: 1. The bugs. 2. The fact that I’ll be heading up this Saturday morning with my Flabergasted Father (Remember? “Flabergasted” is the new F-word { } and not necessarily in a “swear word” kind of way, so NO! I’M NOT CALLING MY DAD AN F’ING FATHER! Let’s not jump to conclusions here, family-internet-stalkers, I’m just going to be using the word Flabergasted more often in intense situations.)
And I’ll only be with my Flabbergasted Father, driving up to Tobermory to wait, like, 5 hours to get on the Chi Chi Mon (boat) and mom and Juli won’t be down ‘till, like, a later date. SO! That means hours, nay, DAYS with just my father and Italian relatives.
Oh noooo! I’m surely going to be wallowing in some insane pressure and cuttlefish. (C-word).
I’m surely Flabbergasted!

But, still, it’s Bass Creek. Think of all the really odd stuff I can write there! Think…backwards towns with murderers running rampant with a mysical frog that breaths life into…dead… perch that rise and ATTACK!! HAR HAR! Maaaaaybe not. ^^;

On a hilariously hilarious note: I’m writing another silly and confusing story that is currently entitled “Willowcrest Woods”. I might re-name it “Grey and Sad and Scared and Proud.” It’s fun. Ms. Towell inspires me. :giggle:

On another hilarious note: I’m rocking out to Justin Timberlake on Limewire right now….HAHAHAHA! So much for my music snobbery! But Juli and I have thoroughly established that he’s hot, so it all works out.

On an even more hilarious hilarious note: Mom finally coerced dad into ordering stuff off the internet for Juli and I. So Juli’s getting that CD that she’s been literally dying for! And me? Oh, you know… I may or may not be getting Jamie Kilstien’s spoken word CD and Jeanann Verlee’s book “Scratch Marks”!!!

And by “may or may not,” I mean “may or may not,” mostly because dad never told me if he actually got around to it. So we’ll see. :3
I’m hoping! :lol:

Anyway! I suppose that’s the end. And now, yup, it’s 1:00AM on the 5th. Silly silly me! And Justin Timberlake’s gone, now it’s The Cranberries. Man, I listen to almost everything! :noes:

Well then, time to try try try to sleep! TOODLES!
And don’t forget those mailing addresses!! :D

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