Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year

It’s taken me a bit to write up a Happy New Year! entry, but here it is!

Things are speeding up again, so you’ll have to forgive me.
Actually, I have to go to the doctors in about half-an-hour to get my migraine/heartburn prescriptions filled. Hurrah.

My older sister took off to go back to LA today.
At least I didn’t cry again.

My little sister’s in a bitchy mood.
At least I can hide in my room.

I go back to London tomorrow.
At least my grandmother won’t be there.

Oh, I forgot to mention: The Omster’s off in Cuba.
She left yesterday, so parties for two weeks at my place!
Hahaa! No, not at all.
I don’t party.
I sit in the back room, all cozy and warm, eating pineapple and plain Tostitos and switching between drinking peppermint and Earl Grey tea as I watch movies like Pride and Prejudice and all of the Disney Princess movies I’ve borrowed from home (and are now stuffed in my bag) for the project my group is doing in my Social Inequality class about issues of class in Disney movies.

To tell you the utter truth, I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.
I love my teetotaling ways, even if my Italian and wine/beer/spirit loving relatives mock me for it.

Mom’s driving me down tomorrow. She said that, maybe, we could go see a movie at the massive theater there, since I rarely see movies in fancy theaters unless I’m with that annoying “friend” of mine or with my sisters/mother. Like how I saw Enchanted with my mom on New Years Eve. Awesome, guilty pleasure movie, let me tell you.
And, really, the hometown theater is not fancy in the least bit (think 3 screens, and only one of them has surround sound. And I do believe the seats are circa 1940.) So we might see Sweeny Todd, if it’s still there.
We both want to see Atonement, for me it’s mostly because it’s directed by the same genius who did Pride and Prejudice and because I have this borderline obsession with Keira Knightley.
But I don’t think we’ll go to see it. Mostly because I’d rather not go to see a movie both mom and I would sob during…it’s just a touch depressing.

Speaking of depression; I started panicking again last night.
I gave myself a migraine, what with all my semi-hyper-ventilating and my mind running a million miles per hour.
Christmas break is over, that means my third year is almost over, that means I make myself sick.
I have to take a course in the summer (because, as a history major, I have to take American History before fourth year, but it never fit in with my schedule.)
I’m not scared about taking the course. I’m more terrified with how the process works (I’ve never taken a summer course before) and with how my mom said I should live in residence for those few months (or however long it takes. It all depends on the course) and I, once again, don’t know how that process works.
I’m trying to not think about it until the first day back at class. I think I’ll have to sign up for a meeting with an Academic Councilor. I’ve heard the ones at Brescia are more understanding/nice than the ones on Main Campus, so I’ll stick to my little affiliated college.
But, once again, I've never really been to a meeting with one so I don't know how it all works.

Essays are looming up again.
And, this term, I have to start participating in that seminar class. I got my participation mark and it’s only a 56% or something, if only because I show up and on the 2 occasions that I was ill, wrote up abstracts for the readings. I have to speak up. Crap.
I think I need to take some kind “improve your self-confidence” kind of thing…or…something. Like I’ve said before, I have no self confidence, so I subconsciously convince myself that I’m wrong before I even put my hand up. And by “subconsciously” I mean I don’t say either out loud or in my head “Okay, Kristen, you FAIL!”, no, it’s more a subconscious thing.

Well, I better start getting ready for the doctor.
I’ve asked my mom to drop me off at the Dollar Store afterwards so I can buy some silly art things to play with in my Life Book (ala-Suzi Blu) and then walk home.
Maybe I’ll stop in the drug store and find some hair dye.
Something to make me feel better about myself. Something…spectacular!

Hahaa, silly me!

Well, I’ll update this soon, with both news and maybe some new years resolutions (if I get around to forming a concrete list. I mean, I have a basic idea of some resolutions, but I don’t know if they can be formalized…what with my muddled mind and all…)

Taa taa! :)

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