Sunday, October 19, 2008

Easily Distracted

Guess what I'm up to?
Well, silly, I'm writing my first term German History essay. The question posed is "To what extent was the period between 1848 and 1914 a period of emancipation for German Women? Consider the positions of women in different economic and social classes, and the ways in which their positions changed or did not change in this period." Our prof gave us two photocopied articles to write from. And there's two short articles in the course package on women that we can use. It has to be at least 6-8 pages long, which really isn't long at all, but I seem to be floundering already.

The paper is due on Tuesday (I had previously thought it was due on Thursday) and I have been slowly working on it since last Thursday, but I can't seem to concentrate. By "slowly working" I mean SLOOOOOOWLY. Really, every single little thing is distracting me. I don't think I've read enough of any of the articles and, really, everything I have read seems to be about women in the 1780's, nowhere near my needed time frame. So I'm left wondering, rather distractedly, why he didn't just not copy the first sections. Or maybe he left them there in order to build a background.

The three main problems I'm facing are:
1) A lot of information I know about women emancipation in Europe comes from my Women in History class last year. So I find myself typing reams of stuff I have no sources for. Then I end up getting frustrated and I delete it.
2) I find myself typing things from sources, thinking the sentence, paragraph, direction of my writing is brilliant, only to realize too late that I'm typing about stuff in the 1780's.
3) I'm so freakin' easily distracted!! Case and point: I'm on here, updating my blog for god's sake. Sheesh!

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