Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I finally heard from the academic adviser! D:

And TADA! The Dean has granted me Special Permission (her caps, not mine) to count History 205E (Environmental History) as my category C (science) course!
Sweet Jeebus be praised on a giant Buddha pagoda covered in silks, linens, and baby sacrifices!


WIN! D:<

In other news: for some reason I'm feeling absolutely terrified of class this week. I don't know why. I have no idea. I'm slowly tackling the readings for tomorrow's speak-in-class class, I'm trying not to freak out, I'm trying my hardest to be absolutely ecstatic about not having class on Thursday, my dad coming down on said Thursday, then going back home for Thanksgiving on Friday. I'm trying, but my weird fear is stopping me. It doesn't help that, yes dear blog, it's "that time of the month". I'm sure no one wants to hear this/cares, but it is what it is. And I'm sort of in pain right now. I bought chocolate after class, but it doesn't seem to be helping.
Either way, I'm still terrified of class tonight and tomorrow.
And I feel like I can't tell anyone about it.
I told my friend Kate this morning that I was "really apprehensive about class in general this week," but I can't explain why, so no one can help me or calm me down.
Either way, I have to shove that fear aside with a firm hand at the moment. It's time to get to reading for tomorrow.

PS. In Korean history yesterday we briefly dicussed Feng Shui and, by golly, I want to feng shui my bedroom! Unfortunately that would mean ripping out the burnt orange carpet and drapes and changing the very sharp-edged, German desk, nightstand, and dresser...and it would mean moving my bed around so my feet weren't in line with the door but still keep it so that I'm not sleeping under the window and am sleeping in a place where I can see the door while I sleep...oh, and the walls are slanted, so there's that negative energy to contend with...so clearly, this isn't going to happen. Brilliant.
Well, back to reading.

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