Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What the shit is this fuck?

Wait wait wait wait.
Canada, when did you decide to go kamikaze on yourself?
When the fuck did this happen?

Like, really?
Have we not been through how fucking unbelievably horrid this man is? Have I not expressed how much he looks like a child molester (it's the beady eyes)? Have we not all wondered at how a party named the "Progressive Conservatives" have lived this long despite their contradiction of a name?
Have they not fucked up this country enough? It's like if America was all "OMG GUYS! I don't like Obama OR McCain" and votes in Bush again as a write-in ballot type thing.

Don't you remember when the PCs mocked Dion by racking their brains for the best way to show the nation both his inadequacy in policy and what they thought was their immense brain power/maturity and came up with a website wherein a pelican pooped on Dion's shoulder?
Or maybe when the PCs were found guilty of plagiarism?
Or when a Conservative member made fun of those who died because of listeriosis?
Or when that other Conservative member told native protesters (in front of cameras) that as long as they were sober etc., then they weren't a threat (or something to that regard)?
Or how about when Harper took his wallet and shoved it up his gigantic ass and told the rest of the world to screw-off in regards to Kyoto? Because it was all a "scam" to take "our" (really he meant "his") money away? That it was a "socialist scheme"?
Or how about when Harper told Canada that "ordinary folks" didn't really care all that much for the Arts and cut funding?

Like, fucking seriously? You guys want more of that shit? We're at war because of him. No disrespect to those overseas, I'm not saying I don't support them, but I'm sure even the most patriotic of soldiers would rather they not have to be killing people right now. Nobody wants a war. But we're at war because of him. Canada has always been a peace keeping nation, but we were told to throw that out the proverbial window and go to real live WAR because of him.
We are a laughing stock, Canada, because of him. And yet you rush to the polls and demand more of the same bullshit.
I'm going to bed now. Maybe when I wake up, this will turn out to be all just a bad, bad, very bad dream.

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