Monday, September 29, 2008

So I haven't heard anything from the academic adviser yet. Although I did see her in the hall today and she smiled at me. I was sort of panting because I had just hiked up the hill while hacking up a lung (I have a cold) and my headphones were on, so that may have been why she didn't stop to chat. That and the fact that she was on her way to get another student for an appointment. :/
I'll convince myself that that was why. And that the smile was not one of pity. Nuh uh. Nope.

Oh! Right! The real reason for this post. Remember that missed connection? Well, I got an email from someone regarding it. Alas, it was from a girl. Unless my mystery man's name is Michelle (he could be french, who knows?) Either way, Michelle emailed me the following:
Subject: i was making fun of craigslist posts with my friends..
Body: but i think i love you.

What am I supposed to say to that?! I'm deeply touched and honored, but I'm sorry, my door does not sing that way. So how do I respond? Unless Michelle is a frenchman, which I would be willing to love back. I do love frenchmen (eg. Professor Reynard).

Seriously, though. What should I respond with?
Maybe something the email gave me hope that I'm not alone in the world. Thank them, profusely, because I was convinced that no one would even give my post a second glance? Maybe. Hm.

Oh well, I'll figure something out.
Now, I have to get back to work. I have a mini assignment due in Germ. Hist. tomorrow.

PS. First poem posted here. Giggle! I'm gonna do it!

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