Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Worrying? Why?

I don’t remember being this nervous last year. Or the year before. First year, oh god yes, but why now?
My stomach is gurgling, my nerves are shot, I feel the need to eat and eat and eat and then sleep and it’s only 11:30am!
I only have one class tomorrow. One! From 9:30-10:30 in the morning. And then I go “home,” or I may meet up with a friend (it all depends on whether or not she emails me back in time). And then, on Friday, one class. 11:30-12:30, and then I’m going downtown with a friend (to a comic book store! SCORE! I haven’t delved into comics for pleasure in…like…3 years! My essay on them last year wasn’t necessarily pleasure), THEN my dad may be coming down for the weekend! And, despite how much he annoys the crap outta me, when he comes down to visit by himself, he tends to buy me shit. Which is awesome.

But still, I’m freaking out! I don’t know why! Maybe because I’m sure I won’t know anyone in the classes. But I can make friends! I mean, I worked costumer service this summer! I can do it! But even with that realization, I’m still nervous…
Oh well. I better get all dressed and washed up so I can wander over to the mall across the street. I think it’s time for a Shopper’s Drugmart expedition. I’ve got my list all written out: Gravol and foot/face masks. Genius!
And, if I get up enough courage, the grocery store has a few things on sale that I’d love to covet.

So then! I’m off! Maybe if I distract myself, I won’t worry so much. :/

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