Monday, March 23, 2009

"intuned"? "in tuned"? ???

I thought "intuned" was a word. You know, to be "in tune" with something, but minus the space.
It's 2:15am, and I'm crying over the made up word "intune." I'm trying to finish this clusterfuck of a Korean history essay, that was technically due this afternoon, but I'm taking the 2% off a day and handing it into the office tomorrow. It's supposed to be 10-15 pages in length, and last time I checked, mine was 4. I don't care anymore. Seriously, if it's 4, or 5, I'm handing it in. He fucked us over anyway.
The prof gave a list of 52 topics to choose from.
He's also teaching an Asian history class, and that class basically has our list of topics. So all of the books are out. I have 2. 2 plus my textbook. Because how many fucking books on Korean history are there in a Canadian university library? TWO! That's how many!!
He was all "You know there's journal articles guys," in class the week before, but like SERIOUSLY. He gave us a list of some Korean history journals to use, and of the 4 I could get to, one was only full of recent newspaper headlines, and another was IN KOREAN. Thanks man, pro.

So I give up.
And I'm crying over compound words I thought existed.
And I have to get up at 7:30am to go to German history for 2 hours.
And my back is killing me, and now my right shoulder feels like someone's digging a knife in it.
I'm shaking like a leaf, or like I've had 15 cups of coffee (I've had one cup today, in the morning) and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Brill.

At least I got an extension on my 30 page Technology and Society paper.
Thank god.
If that was still due on Wednesday, I would seriously be dead. Or planning death. So much like now, only more and worse.

I just want it all to be over. Just...everything. Over. I just don't fucking care anymore.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I have no idea how they did it, but three people found me on Twitter, hence why it now asks to log in when this page loads. I privatized it.

Person one: A uni friend. I haven't spoken to her in a while, because we have no classes together, and she's majoring in something different than me, but it was okay. I mean, she's pretty rad.

Person two: An old "friend" from high school. The one who asked me in grade 12 whether I was gay or not. Because I didn't enjoy gossiping about boys like she and the other girls did. I've sort of really been pissed off at her since then. Here's why I didn't talk about boys in high school: I was, am, and forever will see myself as being ugly as fuck, so I don't see the point. I'm not homosexual (not like there's anyhting wrong with that, I have a friend whose a lesbian and it's one of my life goals to find myself a gay best friend. XD ), I like boys. I really like boys. Boys just don't seem to like me. Also, I'm shy. Fuck.
So I stopped posting updates on Twitter.

Person three: My dad. Fuck, man. How'd that happen?

Really, I thought I had covered my ass in all areas on that thing. Same with this thing. Maybe I need to change the email address here soon. I'm terrified of people I know finding this blog who I don't want to find it. If that sentence makes any sense...

In other news: I'm freezing cold. But it's not cold here. I'm shivering, but I'm also sweating...wonder why..OH, RIGHT, migraine.
I have to finish my essay (due tomorrow) and I'm in pain, so I'm staying home today. So there. ):<

Saturday, March 7, 2009

books books books

It's about 52 million degrees in this house, I swear.
But it's raining out, and hitting my window, so I can only open it a crack. The German-asaurus is trying to make this house a tropical hot-house, isn't she? I have the vent in my room blocked up with a phonebook (because the vent's in this house are a hundred years old and can't be closed) and my fan blowing me in my face. It's not helping.
ANYWAY! I'm working on my American History essay this weekend, it's not due for another 2 weeks, but I have my reasons:
- The week after it's due, both my Korean History and my Technology in Society papers are due.
- I want to get it over and done with, and finally,
- 4 of the 7 books I have from the library on my topic seem to be overdue. I'm being charged .50 cents per book for every day they're late. So far, then, I owe $2. My bus doesn't go up to the school on the weekend, so I'd have to bus-hop, walk and walk and walk to get up there, something I'd really rather not do. Also, I think I heard somewhere that, if you return your overdue books, they won't let you take them out again right there, on the spot, which is not conducive to my work, since I need them.

The email they must have sent me about them being due soon must have gotten lost amongst the COUNTLESS emails sent by both Brescia and UWO, so I must have ignored it, and maybe even deleted it. So, by Monday, I will owe that damn school $1.50 per book. Really, like they don't already have enough of my money.
Most of these books were last taken out in 1992. So, clearly there's a demand for them.
I'm just sort of really pissed. When I'm Queen of the Libraries, I have a plan for these situations:
If the book(s) any student has taken out is/are due the next day, the computer will scan the system to see if said book(s) is/are in high demand that year. If not, the student gets an email the next day, informing them of the overdue book(s), but said student is able to re-new said book(s) via the library website, because no one else want's said book(s), would want said book(s), needs said book(s).
I mean, really, how many people are writing an essay on Angelina and Sarah Grimke? NONE, that's how many. Yeesh!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Heavy Rain Demo

I've been watching and watching this demo for the PS3's upcoming Heavy Rain. I don't own a PS3, I'm a Nintendo gal, but I've always been impressed and in awe of the Playstation's animation quality, in regards to realistic characters and settings, in comparison to the other consoles out on the market.
I was re-directed to this demo from various other YouTube videos, and was struck.
The animation is brilliant, as per usual, but the dialogue? For some reason I find it so utterly remarkable and captivating! Ms. "Mary Smith" is one good "actress."
When this game comes out, I'm going to have to rent a system and the game just so I can see it in real life.

Just in case you want it (or I want it, later on), someone wrote up the script for the monologue. Here it is:

Voice 1: Go ahead, take a seat. Can you give me your name and your age, please?
Mary: My name is Mary Smith, I'm 24.
Voice 1: Have you ever taken any acting lessons, Mary?
Mary: Not really, I couldn't afford it. But I watch a lot of films and I learned so much by watching them
Voice 1: Have you shot anything recently?
Mary: I've had a few big parts, little things here and there. Nothing very serious for the moment. I'm always too tall, too short, wrong hair.. heh, there's always something wrong with me.
Voice 1: Ok, have you learned your lines?
Mary: Yes.
Voice 1: Let's get started. Mark it please.
Voice 2: Casting Heavy Rain, Actress Mary Smith. Take one.
Voice 1: And... action.

The first time I saw you, I knew you were the one. I thought these things only happened in the movies, you know? Pounding heart, the sweaty hands and the shaky legs. I was coming out of the theatre and it started pouring heavy rain. So there I was soaking wet, teeth chattering, freezing cold and then you came up to me. You looked me straight in the eyes and said "Need an umbrella, Miss?" You sent me flowers for weeks and said you'd love me forever, 3 months later we were getting married. God it sounds so stupid. It's such a corny romance.

But real life never ends with being what you think it's going to be. You think it's going to be one big happy fairy tale. And then one day you wake up in an average little house leading an average little life, and your real dreams are about paying the bills and maybe some day getting a bigger T.V. As you realise that maybe that wasn't the life you were dreaming of. You realise maybe things could have been different, and maybe I actually could have lived with all that, but then one day it all just slips.

It starts with something small, a little lipstick on the collar, a few nights when you come home a bit late. At first I tell myself that I'm crazy, that you would never do such a thing. But just to ease my mind one night I follow you as you leave the office, I follow you to the seedy hotel where you meet the girl... and then my whole world falls apart.

I come home, and I cry for hours in my kitchen. I get the gun from the draw in the bedroom, and I tell myself that if this is all that life has to offer me, then I can do without.

But then I change my mind, after all I'm not the one who's cheating. So, quietly, I wait for you to come home, sitting in my average little kitchen. Obviously when you get home you don't suspect a thing, so I press the fucking gun against your forehead, and I take a few seconds to watch the fear grow in your eyes. You tell yourself 'She won't do it, she doesn't have the guts! She's just trying to teach me a lesson.' But you are so wrong, honey. I sentence you to death for turning my life into a soap opera cliché. For stepping on my dreams, for not giving a shit about me all those years, and for lying to me, and betraying me and humiliating me. I'm making an example out of you for all the assholes out there who think they can just keep fucking us over and over.

Good bye, my love.

Mary: So, how was it?
Voice 1: Very nice.
Mary: You think I might stand a chance?
Voice 1: Someone will get in touch with you and let you know.
Voice 2: She wasn't too bad, huh?
Voice 1: Doesn't matter, she's still too tall for the part. Next.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I love Lexus commercials.

One was "suggested" to my on YouTube (the middle one) and then I remembered the "moment" one and it made me smile. They all do. Always.

I was never one for cars, but I think that if I ever get around to getting a license, I'd want a Lexus, if only so I can be reminded of the beautiful commercials that go along with it, every time I pull it out of the imaginary driveway.