Saturday, March 7, 2009

books books books

It's about 52 million degrees in this house, I swear.
But it's raining out, and hitting my window, so I can only open it a crack. The German-asaurus is trying to make this house a tropical hot-house, isn't she? I have the vent in my room blocked up with a phonebook (because the vent's in this house are a hundred years old and can't be closed) and my fan blowing me in my face. It's not helping.
ANYWAY! I'm working on my American History essay this weekend, it's not due for another 2 weeks, but I have my reasons:
- The week after it's due, both my Korean History and my Technology in Society papers are due.
- I want to get it over and done with, and finally,
- 4 of the 7 books I have from the library on my topic seem to be overdue. I'm being charged .50 cents per book for every day they're late. So far, then, I owe $2. My bus doesn't go up to the school on the weekend, so I'd have to bus-hop, walk and walk and walk to get up there, something I'd really rather not do. Also, I think I heard somewhere that, if you return your overdue books, they won't let you take them out again right there, on the spot, which is not conducive to my work, since I need them.

The email they must have sent me about them being due soon must have gotten lost amongst the COUNTLESS emails sent by both Brescia and UWO, so I must have ignored it, and maybe even deleted it. So, by Monday, I will owe that damn school $1.50 per book. Really, like they don't already have enough of my money.
Most of these books were last taken out in 1992. So, clearly there's a demand for them.
I'm just sort of really pissed. When I'm Queen of the Libraries, I have a plan for these situations:
If the book(s) any student has taken out is/are due the next day, the computer will scan the system to see if said book(s) is/are in high demand that year. If not, the student gets an email the next day, informing them of the overdue book(s), but said student is able to re-new said book(s) via the library website, because no one else want's said book(s), would want said book(s), needs said book(s).
I mean, really, how many people are writing an essay on Angelina and Sarah Grimke? NONE, that's how many. Yeesh!

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