Monday, March 23, 2009

"intuned"? "in tuned"? ???

I thought "intuned" was a word. You know, to be "in tune" with something, but minus the space.
It's 2:15am, and I'm crying over the made up word "intune." I'm trying to finish this clusterfuck of a Korean history essay, that was technically due this afternoon, but I'm taking the 2% off a day and handing it into the office tomorrow. It's supposed to be 10-15 pages in length, and last time I checked, mine was 4. I don't care anymore. Seriously, if it's 4, or 5, I'm handing it in. He fucked us over anyway.
The prof gave a list of 52 topics to choose from.
He's also teaching an Asian history class, and that class basically has our list of topics. So all of the books are out. I have 2. 2 plus my textbook. Because how many fucking books on Korean history are there in a Canadian university library? TWO! That's how many!!
He was all "You know there's journal articles guys," in class the week before, but like SERIOUSLY. He gave us a list of some Korean history journals to use, and of the 4 I could get to, one was only full of recent newspaper headlines, and another was IN KOREAN. Thanks man, pro.

So I give up.
And I'm crying over compound words I thought existed.
And I have to get up at 7:30am to go to German history for 2 hours.
And my back is killing me, and now my right shoulder feels like someone's digging a knife in it.
I'm shaking like a leaf, or like I've had 15 cups of coffee (I've had one cup today, in the morning) and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Brill.

At least I got an extension on my 30 page Technology and Society paper.
Thank god.
If that was still due on Wednesday, I would seriously be dead. Or planning death. So much like now, only more and worse.

I just want it all to be over. Just...everything. Over. I just don't fucking care anymore.

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