Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I have no idea how they did it, but three people found me on Twitter, hence why it now asks to log in when this page loads. I privatized it.

Person one: A uni friend. I haven't spoken to her in a while, because we have no classes together, and she's majoring in something different than me, but it was okay. I mean, she's pretty rad.

Person two: An old "friend" from high school. The one who asked me in grade 12 whether I was gay or not. Because I didn't enjoy gossiping about boys like she and the other girls did. I've sort of really been pissed off at her since then. Here's why I didn't talk about boys in high school: I was, am, and forever will see myself as being ugly as fuck, so I don't see the point. I'm not homosexual (not like there's anyhting wrong with that, I have a friend whose a lesbian and it's one of my life goals to find myself a gay best friend. XD ), I like boys. I really like boys. Boys just don't seem to like me. Also, I'm shy. Fuck.
So I stopped posting updates on Twitter.

Person three: My dad. Fuck, man. How'd that happen?

Really, I thought I had covered my ass in all areas on that thing. Same with this thing. Maybe I need to change the email address here soon. I'm terrified of people I know finding this blog who I don't want to find it. If that sentence makes any sense...

In other news: I'm freezing cold. But it's not cold here. I'm shivering, but I'm also sweating...wonder why..OH, RIGHT, migraine.
I have to finish my essay (due tomorrow) and I'm in pain, so I'm staying home today. So there. ):<

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