Monday, September 29, 2008

So I haven't heard anything from the academic adviser yet. Although I did see her in the hall today and she smiled at me. I was sort of panting because I had just hiked up the hill while hacking up a lung (I have a cold) and my headphones were on, so that may have been why she didn't stop to chat. That and the fact that she was on her way to get another student for an appointment. :/
I'll convince myself that that was why. And that the smile was not one of pity. Nuh uh. Nope.

Oh! Right! The real reason for this post. Remember that missed connection? Well, I got an email from someone regarding it. Alas, it was from a girl. Unless my mystery man's name is Michelle (he could be french, who knows?) Either way, Michelle emailed me the following:
Subject: i was making fun of craigslist posts with my friends..
Body: but i think i love you.

What am I supposed to say to that?! I'm deeply touched and honored, but I'm sorry, my door does not sing that way. So how do I respond? Unless Michelle is a frenchman, which I would be willing to love back. I do love frenchmen (eg. Professor Reynard).

Seriously, though. What should I respond with?
Maybe something the email gave me hope that I'm not alone in the world. Thank them, profusely, because I was convinced that no one would even give my post a second glance? Maybe. Hm.

Oh well, I'll figure something out.
Now, I have to get back to work. I have a mini assignment due in Germ. Hist. tomorrow.

PS. First poem posted here. Giggle! I'm gonna do it!

I finally did it:

Timid Little Girl-Poet.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Went to the academic adviser...

So I went to the academic adviser. I had found out how to apply to the MLIS program last night, as I fiddled around on the interwebs, so I went and asked her about graduation.
She checked my transcripts against the modules (history and sociology) and was all “You’re all good! ;D “ But then she said “But I have one question: what were you planning on using for your science credit.” So, naturally, I responded with the almighty and powerfully charming/mature “What?! I need a science credit?! I never knew that! DDD: ”
I need a science credit to graduate. When she told me I truthfully felt the same way I had felt when I was told I was going to have to take a math class for sociology (Stats) : Like university had lied to me. Math and science?! That’s why I’m taking Soc and History! LACK OF MATH AND SCIENCE!
So she said she’ll talk to the person in charge of that stuff and see if my Environmental history or my Stats could count as a science credit. She said that she’s VERY convincing, and that she’d get back to me in a few days. She told me to send her positive thoughts. So, of course, I sure as hell am! D:<
She’s a really nice woman, and I trust her/believe in her. I hope hope hope she can help me!
If they don’t count either of those classes as a science credit, I’ll have to pick up another class. And it’s already pretty late in the game, and I’m taking 5 essay courses as it is. Good god…I better start looking for a class to take.
But first, I’m in desperate need of a nap. The stress is piling, so logically all I can think of to do is sleep.
I think I’ll be needing some help again, and soon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Warning: Criminal Minds Spoiler

So, I just watched the season premier of Criminal Minds.
Mind you, I don’t watch it regularly. I don’t watch any show regularly, and tend to clue into the awesomeness of most shows when they’re on their last and final season (eg. Corner Gas), but if I happened to catch this show when it was on (and it was relatively early in the episode [otherwise I get waaaay too confused]) then I’d watch it. And I must say, the relationship between Garcia and Morgan. It’s just too cute for words. And deserves a freakin’ hook-up, let me tell you.
So, if anyone who stumbles across this blog is a fan of the show and did NOT see that episode, look away now……………

Kay. So if you did see the episode, you saw Morgan driving the ambulance with the bomb in it. I was freaking out. Like, potential hyperventilation. I kept sort of keening – “He can’t die, what about Garcia? They wouldn’t do THAT. Phah.”
When he started trying to tell Garcia what she was to him…? Oh man. Tears began.
And when the ambulance exploded?!
I was sitting in the front room (grandmother in the back) and I had my hands in my lap, watching intently. And at the explosion, well, my hands flew to cover my mouth and I literally screeched. A sort of muffled-in-between-sobs-and-a-covering-of-hands kind of screech.
Oh my god. It was bad. I’m so emotional these days…yeesh!
I freaked, suffice it to say. Going “He can’t. No” over and over. So, of course, when it showed him alive? Well, I pretty much just melted into the couch. My back and the back of my head felt all tingly, like it does when something crazy-good happens to me. Oh man. Emotions. I hate them, really.

But, really. That was one HELLUVA premier.
I’m thinking of buying the earlier seasons either online or, well you know, the next time I see them in a store. :3

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A thought...

How about "Timid Little Poet"...?
I just thought that up on the spot while waiting for Photoshop to take it's precious time closing (my version is quite obnoxious and likes to take forever to close and, when it's open, randomly pops up when I'm doing other things so it can be all "OMG HI! I'M STILL HERE! LOLOLOLOLOL! ;D" Which I do NOT appreciate).
Or maybe "Timid Little Girl-Poet"?
Or something...
BED TIME! It's 12:34am and I need to wake up at 9. TOODLES! (:
I'm slowly creating the bits and pieces for a new blog: A poem a day blog.
I have the header, the colours, everything all set...everything but a title. I've been using various methods, but when I used a few "random title" and "random book title" generators I came up with this list of possibilities:

-Tip-toeing lightly through harsh words…
-Soft Lines made of Harsh Words
-Soft lines carved in hard flesh
-Daily words composed in lines
-Dancing through lines
-Wisps of poetic dreams
-Dancing Wisps of Words

I know. Some are pretty...horrid. But, really, this title business is the hardest part of this eventual blog's creation (or so I find). It could be because I can't make up my mind worth shit. That's probably it. Hm...I'll have to think up some more titles, or else choose from this list. I mean, I could always change it later on, right? Right! D:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Missed connection

I just posted a "missed connection" on Craiglist.
I've never done anything like this before.
I doubt, really really doubt that anything will come of it, but the situation was nagging at me for a while now, so this may (or may not) help ease some of the mental pressure.
We'll see.

I'm actually excited about it.
What if he somehow finds it?!
Oh my goodness! Then what would I do?!?!

Oh dear oh dear! It's time for bed!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Worrying? Why?

I don’t remember being this nervous last year. Or the year before. First year, oh god yes, but why now?
My stomach is gurgling, my nerves are shot, I feel the need to eat and eat and eat and then sleep and it’s only 11:30am!
I only have one class tomorrow. One! From 9:30-10:30 in the morning. And then I go “home,” or I may meet up with a friend (it all depends on whether or not she emails me back in time). And then, on Friday, one class. 11:30-12:30, and then I’m going downtown with a friend (to a comic book store! SCORE! I haven’t delved into comics for pleasure in…like…3 years! My essay on them last year wasn’t necessarily pleasure), THEN my dad may be coming down for the weekend! And, despite how much he annoys the crap outta me, when he comes down to visit by himself, he tends to buy me shit. Which is awesome.

But still, I’m freaking out! I don’t know why! Maybe because I’m sure I won’t know anyone in the classes. But I can make friends! I mean, I worked costumer service this summer! I can do it! But even with that realization, I’m still nervous…
Oh well. I better get all dressed and washed up so I can wander over to the mall across the street. I think it’s time for a Shopper’s Drugmart expedition. I’ve got my list all written out: Gravol and foot/face masks. Genius!
And, if I get up enough courage, the grocery store has a few things on sale that I’d love to covet.

So then! I’m off! Maybe if I distract myself, I won’t worry so much. :/