Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Poem, Day 15

{I'm pretty proud of this one, if only because today I've been dealing with a stomach flu/24hour flu (or so I hope it's only 24hrs, as I have exams to study for and got NO work done today, so I'm pretty pissed in that regard). Anyway, I've been in immense pain, stomach-wise, all day, so I slept. Overslept, and gave myself a migraine. The headache's still there (a bit), and I'm still a tad queasy, but I think I'm getting better. But, yeesh, how on earth did I even manage to scrawl out ANYthing. Go me!}

I need you
to tie my shoes
when the rain pours
on the tarnished daffodils.
To kiss the raindrops
that glide down
my sleek, unwashed hair
and the jasmine-kissed apples
of my cheeks.
To help me forget
why we’re standing
on each others’ feet,
crouched under a window
in the dead of night,
shimmying the frame open,
just a touch,
to smell the cherry pie inside.

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