Saturday, November 10, 2007


God damn it.

It’s like everyone and their brother, and their brother’s brother’s decided to visit the old hag this weekend.

Thursday and Friday, it was those obscure relatives from…I think BC. They stayed the night. I didn’t know this was happening until 10:30PM Thursday night. Because NO ONE TELLS ME ANYTHING!

And today, Saturday, some other relatives just showed up. And the Omster-Nazi’s probably going to do her “COME DOWN AND SAY HELLO!” thing soon and then not let me leave until, like, 5 when they go. Like, seriously. Last weekend, when I had to study for my midterm on Monday, mom was down but at least she let me study. The weekend before that, I had my European history essay due on Tuesday and she somehow found a million things for me to do and criticized each one. Then told me the DVD wasn’t working because I wasn’t being patient enough. And, since Monday pretty much, she’s been continuously reminding me that that fucking DVD worked “on Mike’s computer”, as if I should have known and was holding out on her all along. How the hell was I supposed to know? And my lappy doesn’t play DVD’s or CD’s very well since my dad and I had to replace the device, so now it picks up the most minute of scratches so the sound and video’s all jumpy.

I have a presentation on Monday that I’m shitting myself over and another annotated bibliography that’s due Wednesday that, before I submit it, I have to go through the rigmarole of and submitting it to WebCT for the entire class to read (and I’ve yet to find enough sources).

I’m breaking out like’s it’s New Years Eve on my face, I think I caught a stomach bug at school (thanks Stella) and spent most of last night in the bathroom so I’m exhausted, this family’s racism and all around bigotry is pissing me off, I can’t find my other stripped knee-high since the Nazi took everything from my room and decided to wash it (whether it was clean or not), and I’m still fat and have been feeling more fat since…well…the weekend of the 15th of October when everything started being due at school.

I’m so angry and frustrated and I have no idea why. I want to rip someone’s head off and shave my own head so I’m bald. I want to through this computer out of the window and then run into traffic. And I don’t know why.

I’m just feeing so…frustrated.

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