Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Midterm Back

I'm still feeling pretty damn depressed, and these constant headaches aren't helping, but tonight was a bit brighter.
For some reason or another, my Women in History class was awesomely funny! And by "some" reason, I mean because of lines like "She was in the 50's or 70's of 60's, or something." which I found awfully hilarious!
Man, that prof makes my week better.
And we got our tests back. The midterm, worth 25% (or...something close to it...I forget exactly) of our mark. She put the breakdown on the board of how many people in our small class got what grade:
A: 3
B: 1
C: 4
D: 4
F: 2

The girl beside me and I were panicking. Dr. Skidmore started reading "good examples" of two of the essay questions: Neither were ours. Therefore, more panicking.
We get the back, and me?
Oh, you know, 81%.
I was pretty much dying of relief and joy in my seat.
Man, I really love that prof! She made my night/week/month. (:

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