Tuesday, November 6, 2007

*sniff sniff* I smell a Canuck winter approaching!

Note to the human populace.
Do not, I repeat, -DO NOT- talk to me about how much you dislike, despise, or hate snow, because if you do I will, most assuredly, go medieval on your ass.

Seriously. Canadian here. And I looove my Canuck winters!
So when a highschool friend of mine tells me" "it's snowing at my house today"and I respond with "It was snowing here, too! Just as I left the building to walk across campus. My luck! Haha! Man, I love snow!" to which she responds with "i don't like snow...i want it to go away"...
Well, that just pisses me off. So I tell her "Blasphemous! Sounds like someone needs to move south! Or start running a coal factory."

It's like when my grandmother complains about Canada, I ask her why, then, did she immigrate here? If you hate the snow, then support coal factories, turn on all of your lights and waste waste waste...or move South, but don't come complaining to me about it.
I love snow.

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