Friday, November 2, 2007

NaNaWriMo? No Thanks!

National Novel Writing Month.

Two of my "friends" are partaking in it.
One was sort of suggestion I join, the other didn't even mention she was in it and I didn't know until I wikipedia searched "Nanowrimo", since her MSN name has the usual fluffy "ILU!" shit for her "boy" (a twenty-seven year old "questionable" [in my books] man who has already dumped her...twice...that I know of), and then she has "Namowrimo word count: 546"
Anyway, I wikipedia searched it and the article came up and I went "ooooh yaaaa" when I remembered what it was.

The fact that she's in it? Oh man, hilarious. Her writing makes me laugh. Her prose is only "so-so" and her poetry? Well, she doesn't use punctuations and she knows that pisses me off. But since *checks her DA account* December of last year (2006), she has been writing "erotic" fantasy's involving what she wanted her boyfriend to do to her. She sent them to me before submitting them to proof-read and grammar-check. Oh god, horrible! I do NOT want to read that kind of smut. My mother used to teach her. In grades 2 and 3. Ewwwww! D:
There's no telling what kind of stuff she's writing on there!
I may have to use my semi-awesome e-stalking skills to find out. And then mock her. In private. Or in MSN conversations with my little sister.
I'm twisted like that.

I mean, I know the contest thingy doesn't really care about quality, but still...

Personally, any "contest" that's priding quantity over quality when it comes to the written word is complete bullocks if you ask me.

I'm sort of really looking forward to her going all "OMG! Why aren't you in it? You should have joined! Can you proof-read my crap?!"
So I can calmly tell her that, no, I didn't want to join and still don't want to join because, surprise, I'm a thrid year History and Sociology major and I do enough writing on time-limits and I don't need the added pressure and, also surprise, that stuff is complete crap. In fact, your stuff is complete crap."

I might leave out that last bit, because I'm too nice to the people I sort of really hate.

{EDIT} I found her.
Let the e-stalking/e-mocking begin! ;D

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